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August/September 2019

August/September 2019


September 2019

By Fr. Patrick O'Shea

Recent Anzac Day commemorations in New Zealand made a special attempt to recognize that “not all wounds bleed.” There has always been great sympathy and understanding for…


By Fr. Seamus Cullen

I first met Mr. Ikehata when Rev. Tesshu, a Buddhist priest, took Columban Fr. Bede Cleary and me to meet him on a hot summer day. The four of us were sitting round a low…


By Fr. Palanapa Tavo

I arrived in Peru thinking that it wouldn’t be very challenging. I was sent straight away to Bolivia to learn Spanish. When I arrived there my host family was waiting for…


By Fr. Young-In Kim

First, I would like to deliver my sincere thankfulness to all the benefactors who support financially and prayerfully the Andean Mountain children in Yanaoca, Cusco. In…


By Fr. Kurt Zion Pala

Shwebo dropped us at our last stop, and he headed off to return to his village, the Shwebo district from which he gets his name. We returned to the Sisters’ house and had…


By Lilly Faunillan

I arrived in Fiji as a Columban lay missionary in August 2017. Once in Fiji, I studied the language for three months. Studying a new language for the first time in my…


By Luda Egbalkic

One year has passed since I came back to Korea for my second term as a Columban lay missionary. Indeed, time has flown so fast.


By Jennifer (Jake) Lunor

Being a stranger in a foreign land wasn’t always easy, in terms of learning and adopting not only the language and local dialect but also the culture. I was thinking about…


By Fr. John Burger

What makes a life a success in the grand scheme of things, that is, a success in God’s plan?


By Hyein "Anna" Noh

After a 14-hour flight from Korea, with a fierce wind and torrential rain waiting to greet me in Dublin, I realized that I had finally landed in Ireland. It was the first…


By Fr. Joseph Joyce

Each of us could write a book on disappointments, because there are so many in our lives.