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Daily Prayer Archive

I pray to You, dearest Jesus,
for all the graces I need to know You,
to love You and serve You faithfully until death,
and to save my…

Grant, we ask You, O Almighty God,
that we who celebrate the festival of Saint Valentine,
Your martyr, may, by his intercession,

Blessed Jordan of Saxony,
worthy successor of St. Dominic,
your example and zeal prompted
many men and women to follow Christ
in the…

Lord, the source of eternal life and truth,
give to Your shepherd, Francis, a spirit
of courage and right judgment, a spirit
of knowledge…

O Mary Immaculate, Our Lady of Lourdes
Mother of God and our mother,
from the heights of your dignity
look down mercifully upon us while…

O Glorious Saint Scholastica,
sister of Saint Benedict,
model of monastic life,
and patroness of students,
we turn to you in…

O Mary Immaculate,
the precious name of Mother of Confidence,
with which we honor you,
fill our hearts to the point of overflowing

Loving God, rewarder of the humble, 
Your blessed St. Josephine Bakhita 
with charity and patience. 
May her prayers help…

God our Father,
you made Brother Gabriel Taborin
feel an intense compassion
for humanity’s shortcomings,
and of the culture of its…

Dear Jesus,
The never-ending conflict in the Middle East tears at my heart 
when I see the great number of innocent deaths. 

We know that there is one physician:
Both flesh and spirit uncreated, yet born,
God in man, true life in death,
from both Mary and from…

Almighty and eternal God,
we ask Your protection against destroying fire.
Fire is so very necessary for our existence,
and yet, when it…

O Glorious Saint Blaise, 
Physician of Souls and Bodies, 
we invoke your powerful intercession. 
Deliver us from all…

O Blessed Mother of God,
who went up to the Temple according to the law
with your offering of little white doves,
pray for me that I too…