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Daily Prayer Archive

Be the King, O Lord,
not only of the faithful who have never forsaken You,
but also of the prodigal children who have abandoned You,

Oh Dear Jesus,
we are so far away from Your most pure and Sacred Heart.
As a family we need Your help.
Heal all the quarrels that exist…

O Immaculate Mother,
lead us to Heaven,
inflame us with the Divine Love,
let shine upon us that same light of glory
which You behold…

Most sweet Jesus,
Redeemer of the human race,
look down upon us,
humbly prostrate before Your altar.

We are Yours and Yours we…

Oh most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
we come to you as a family
and consecrate ourselves to Your Sacred Heart.
Protect us through Your Most…

Loving Mary, Mother of Jesus and our mother too.
Thank you for always saying yes to God’s call.
We praise Jesus, the fruit of your yes.…

O Mary, Mary more beautiful than all creatures,
lovely after Jesus above all loves,
more dear than all created things,
gracious above…

I adore You, O my God,
present in the holy Eucharist,
as my Creator,
my Preserver,
and my Redeemer.
I offer You all that I have,…

At the Transfiguration, Father, You showed
Jesus in glory, a glimpse of what His disciples
would see in His risen life.

Bless us in…

O Lord, You received affronts
without number from Your blasphemers,
yet each day You free captive souls
from the grip of the ancient…

O Immaculate Virgin Mary,
Mother of God and Queen of Heaven and Earth,
Through you shines the whole splendor
and magnificence of the…

O Blessed Lady of the Fields,
who lived with and loved the rural folk of the village,
look down graciously upon the fields and pastures of…

Heavenly Father, You made the sunset
of my life more beautiful by unlocking the door
to eternal life through the death

Jesus Christ, my God,
I adore You and I thank You
for the many favors You have bestowed on me this day.
I offer You my sleep