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November 2018

November 2018


November 2018

By Jenanydel Nola

On May 23, 2017, I returned home after three years of being away. I arrived in our village around nine in the evening, and I was expecting people to be in their houses.


By Columban Missionaries

At the beginning the primary task was to get a mastery of the Korean language. After that we went to work in parishes; that was our big apostolate at the time. Since the…


By Febie Gonzales

Good morning! These are two words that made a big difference in my missionary journey in Taiwan.


By Fr. Daniel Harding

After a happy six year break back in Australia as editor of The Far East magazine and working in Columban promotion in Adelaide, I have returned to Santiago, Chile, where…


When did you arrive in Korea?

I came here on October 2, 1969.

What were the Columbans doing there at the time you arrived? It was almost 100% parish work. A…


By Sr. Mary Dillion

In mid-September 2017, a family of three, Aik Ket aged 30 years old, his wife San Bu, also 30 years old, and their only child Chit Oo Mya, just three years old arrived at…


By Columban Lay Missionary Eun-Sook Han (Genovia)

I am from Kwangju in Korea. I had been teaching for a number of years when I heard about the Columban Lay Missionary program and decided to attend some meetings. I was 30…


By Luda Egbalic

Allow me to share with you my one-of-a-kind, exciting and meaningful adventure. I am just an ordinary, simple woman. I was a teacher by profession.


By Fr. Tim Mulroy

As the Columban Centennial Year draws to a close, and as we prepare to embark on a new century of mission, I am reminded of how the Catholic Church engaged a significant…


Sr. Redempta Twomey

The man had never walked. From birth, he was unable to put his two feet under him, but that didn't stop him from going out and joining the crowd that had gathered to hear…