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Weekly Prayer Archive

Dear Jesus, 

We sometimes fail to appreciate the people 
who fill our day-to-day lives. 
We take them for granted. 
Be they spouses, children, other family members, 
coworkers, friends, clerks, cleaners. 
Our relationships become transactional 
as if we are just doing business. 
Help us to treat them with respect, care and kindness. 
They too are made in your image. 
They deserve our love. 


— By Columban Fr. John Comiskey

Dear Jesus, 

You speak of the birds in the air, 
the caring for sheep, the lilies of the field. 
Guide me to a greater appreciation 
and cherishing of Your creation. 
May I learn to protect it and help it flourish. 


— By Columban Fr. John Comiskey

Dear Jesus, 
I am attentive to my immediate surroundings 
and to some extent the events in the wider world 
of human endeavor and failings. 
But I have gaps and missed opportunities 
in attending to what is truly important. 
I easily get caught up with the merely satisfying. 
Guide my vision, my heart and my choices with your love. 


— By Columban Fr. John Comiskey

Dear Jesus, 
I enjoy hearing from relatives 
bout their lives and their dear ones. 
Sometimes I’m a bit remiss in keeping up contact. 
Remind me that we need each other. 
Open wide my heart to recall that we all 
are brothers and sisters in your love.


— By Columban Fr. John Comiskey

Dear Jesus, 
I don’t like surprises. 
Warm my heart to welcome the unexpected request, 
to adjust to changes in plans, 
to avoid being ruled by my own expectations, 
to see the needs of others, 
to be kind rather than abrupt, 
to show compassion over cynicism, 
to acknowledge my sin and your everlasting mercy. 


— By Columban Fr. John Comiskey

Dear Jesus, 
At times I get stuck in my own point of view. 
I don’t give enough time to appreciate 
the differing perspectives of others. 
Help me to widen and deepen the way I look at things. 
May dialogue and real conversations bear fruit. 


— By Columban Fr. John Comiskey

Dear Jesus, 
You have given us the ability to see and hear. 
Help us to be attentive to Your presence in the events of life. 
May we appreciate the kindness of others and be kind in turn. 
May obstacles not get in the way of caring. 
May the healing You bring inspire us to reflect Your love.


— By Columban Fr. John Comiskey

Dear Jesus,
Even when we fail to recognize it 
Your constant care is always with us. 
Our ignorance, foolishness and indifference 
cannot overcome Your compassion and mercy. 
Stir up our hearts to appreciate Your love
and be loving to You and all others. 


— By Columban Fr. John Comiskey

Dear Jesus, 
I need You to remind me to be open to others, 
to be ready to share my time and resources. 
Perhaps the chance to do a simple favor 
or common courtesy arises. 
Other times may involve helping friends 
with serious illness or the loss of a loved one. 
The needs of community, country or creation 
may evoke a response. 
All in all, I need to follow Your self-giving love. 


— By Columban Fr. John Comiskey

Dear Jesus,
The conflict in the Middle East tears at my heart 
when I see the great number of innocent deaths. 
How ironic that hatred pervades the Holy Land. 
Raise up people who can look at one another 
with respect, sympathy and honesty. 
Bring all to a dialogue for true peace. 


— By Columban Fr. John Comiskey

Dear Jesus,
Thunderstorms remind us of the challenges 
we face in life. 
The turbulence of broken relationships 
or sudden illness may catch us off guard. 
Your calming presence eases our spirits 
and brings hope for future healing. 
Into your hands, I commend my spirit. 


— By Columban Fr. John Comiskey

Dear Jesus, 
The help of others eases the burdens we face. 
Yet so often we fail to ask for assistance 
or when given we are reluctant to accept it. 
Heal the pride and self-image that stunts 
seeking and accepting help. 
Perhaps in time we may become givers. 
You didn’t make us to live alone.


By Columban Fr. John Comiskey

Dear Jesus, 
When I’m not well or bothered by body aches 
being attentive to others doesn’t come easily. 
Yet when I make at least some effort 
to turn from myself to other’s needs, 
even my own pain lessens and things seem brighter. 
Help me to remember this. 


By Columban Fr. John Comiskey

Dear Jesus, 
At times I feel frustrated. 
A device doesn’t work. 
I have to wait a long time for an appointment. 
A plan falls through. 
Help me to ease up. 
Let me see and appreciate the beauty of nature 
and the kindness of strangers. 


By Columban Fr. John Comiskey