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Daily Prayer Archive

Remember, O most pure spouse
of the Virgin Mary,
my beloved Patron,
that never it has been heard
that anyone invoked your…

Father, all-powerful and ever-living God,
During the Holy Season of Lent
You call us to a closer union with Yourself.
Help me to prepare…

God our Father,
You sent Saint Patrick
to preach Your glory to the people of Ireland.
By the help of his prayers,
may all…

Father and maker of all,
You adorn all creation
with splendor and beauty,
and fashion human lives
in Your image and likeness.

Lord, bless our home with Your presence.
Far from it repulse all the wiles of Satan.
Your holy angels, let them live here, to keep us in…

Through the observance of Lent, O Lord,
You purify Your Church every year.
See to it that Your children lead a better life
and so obtain…

Heavenly Father,
You have called us all to holiness
which means sharing in Your divine life.
Fill us with a sense of our true dignity

Holy Mary, Virgin Mother of God,
who was conceived without sin,
I choose you, this day
to protect our home.
I ask you through your…

Father, all-powerful and ever-living God,
During the Holy Season of Lent
You call us to a closer union with Yourself.
Help me to prepare…

All loving and merciful Father,
by Your abiding presence and abundant grace
You know our every need.
Bless all women who have adopted a…

In Saint Frances of Rome
You have given us a model of holiness,
in married life and of monastic conversion.
By Your hand-maid’s aid,

Lord, You are the source
of compassion and mercy.
Give me a humble, contrite heart
that I may believe in Your goodness and love

Father, Your love gave the saints Perpetua and Felicity
courage to suffer a cruel martyrdom
By their prayers, help us to grow in love of You…

Lord, You are the source of love and life.
Help me to see You when I am afraid.
Remove my fears that I may live in peace
with my…