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Daily Prayer Archive

Most Holy and Immaculate Virgin,
Help of the Christians,
we place ourselves under your motherly protection.
Throughout the Church's…

Lord, your love helps me to embrace the unknown.
Reveal yourself to me so that I may recognize
you in myself and others.
You are my hope…

Lord, Jesus Christ,
You are the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Hear our prayer for truth and integrity
in all segments of society today.…

Lord, your spirit has been poured into my heart
making me a child of God.
Help me to see every person
as my brother and sister, and

Blessed be the mind, the heart, the hand,
That drew this icon fair,
Of beauty unsurpassable, yet sweet,
God's Mother, rapt in prayer.

Prelates, Kings, and people of the earth!
celebrate the glorious name of Raymond,
to whom the salvation of all mankind was an object of…

O Mary, immaculate, and chaste are you
who has become the glowing gate of heaven.
O Mother of Christ,
so kind and most dear,

Let us pray. O God,
by the leading of a star You manifested Your only begotten Son
to the gentiles on this day;
mercifully grant that we…

Lord God,
you blessed Elizabeth Ann Seton with gifts of grace
as wife and mother,
educator and foundress,
so that she might spend her…

Lord Jesus,
we humbly pray You to give us all a great reverence
and respect for Your most holy name.
Forgive us for ever having used the…

O God, grant us a deeper sense of fellowship with all living this,
our little brothers and sisters
to whom in common with us
you have…

O God, who through the fruitful virginity
of Blessed Mary bestowed on the human race
he grace of eternal salvation, grant, we pray,

Come, O Lord, to the help of Your people,
sustained by the intercession of Pope St. Sylvester,
so that, running the course of this present…

Lord, in this holy season of prayer, song and laughter,
we praise You for the great wonders You have sent us:
for shining star and angel's…